Monday, August 30, 2010

Bugatti Veyron

I'm into old cars, cars that look good, cars that have soul, but there is one "new" car that I would love to own, even thou, thats probably never going to happen, at a 1.6 million dollar price tag.
The Bugatti Veyron, works for me.
Of course I'd put 1940 Ford wheels on it and use Firestone bias-ply tires.
Veyron on Wikipedia:

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Noguchi Table

Los Angeles born Japanes/American sculptor and furniture designer Isamo Noguchi had many notable designs but his most famous and in my opinion best furniture piece is the Noguchi coffee table, just timeless and beautiful.

Charles and Ray Eames

If you are thinking about cool mid century modern furniture, the name Eames must come to mind, this husband and wife team have done some amazing work, even getting into airplane hull fabrication with their revolutionary bent plywood designs. These techniques are still being used to this day by furniture makers all around the world.
Everybody should own an Eames chair.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I am NORWELL EQUIPPED, you should be too.

Yeah, once you get Norwell Equipped, you can't go back, that's just how it is.
Jeff Norwell is one of those super talented artists, that will draw you in with green Martians and finish you off with a race scene in front of the Continental Club in Austin TX, and at the same time manages to stay humble and approachable.
If that was me, my head would be soo big it would not fit thru regular doors anymore, but maybe Canadian doors are bigger.
Anyway, here is some of the amazing work from Jeff Norwell.
I am NORWELL EQUIPPED, try it, it's fun !!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hipstamatic app for I-phone

About three month ago, my friends turned me on to the Hipstamatic app, after spending $1.99, I fell in love instantly.
I don't want this to sound like a sales pitch, but this app put the fun back into photography, for me.

1950 Ford Color Film Part 1 of 3

The shoebox obsession

As my first entry into the blogging world I decided to share my newest obsession, my recently acquired 1950 Ford Sedan, also knows as the mighty Shoebox.

I decided to chop the car, on a whim after I had removed the gas tank for some trunk floor repairs, what better time to let the sparks fly when the tank is out of the car.

Here are some pictures of the car in progress.